Magical Character Interactions….

For anyone who has been to Disney World, there is always something “Magical” that really stands out on the trip. We have quite a few things happen on different trips. Usually the cast members go out of their way to make things magical, but we have also had other guests create magical experiences. What amazes me about Disney is how they go out of the way to create memories, and they do it on a regular basis.
Two magical character experiences really stand out from our trip and they are definitely worth sharing.


On one of our trips, our daughter Morgan went up to Jasmine to take a picture with her while wearing a shirt with her name on it. Jasmine called her by name and made the experience enjoyable as the characters there generally do. Nothing unusual that day, but quite the normal character interaction that anyone who has been to Disney typically experiences.
The following day, we went to Magic Kingdom and were waiting for Jasmine to arrive early that morning. I even recall having a conversation with my wife about how it is amazing how you can go from one park to the next and the face characters look exactly alike. What really surprised me is that when Jasmine arrived at her location for the greeting, she called my daughter by name, “Morgan.” On the previous day she wore a shirt with her name on it, but that was not the case this time. After seeing presumably 100’s of people each day, Jasmine remembered by daughters name. I was absolutely amazed.



We have also had 3 wonderful encounters with Alice. Two were at the Magic Kingdom, and one was at Epcot. Since the two at Magic Kingdom were a little more magical, we will discuss the latest one. We arrived near The Teacup ride prior to Alice’s arrival and waited for her time for greetings. My daughter was really excited to see Alice and asked if she could skip with Alice when she arrived. When my daughter spotted Alice from a distance, she ran up to Alice and asked her if she could skip with her. Alice proceeded to skip with her all the way to the Teacup ride. She then asked my wife and I if it was alright for Morgan to ride the Teacups with Alice and the Mad Hatter. Somehow, our youngest son, Mason; also managed to make his way into the Tea Cup. This was a really magical experience that I am sure very few little girls get to encounter. I believe my daughter has found a little secret to help her ride with Alice on multiple occasions. So far, she has asked twice to skip with Alice and ended up on the Teacups with her.

Click here for a few tips from Morgan on how to skip with Alice and hopefully get invited to ride the Teacups….


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